About Us

Wild: living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated.

Heart: the heart regarded as the center of a person's thoughts and emotions, especially love, compassion, or loyalty. The vital part or essence.


Here at Wild Heart Collective we are breaking the mold of the conventional. We are seekers and explorers of expansion and connection. We are rewilding our feminine parts and getting to the heart of the matter of our inner pulse.

Our community cultivates leadership and awareness of our roles in our own lives and in the world. There is no leader here, but a home where we can all provide support and lift each other up in a way that serves radical change. We are the mirror to what the world can become and we don’t shy away from that change.

We facilitate gatherings, workshops and events based around growth, creativity and healing. In 2020 we hosted our first virtual moon circle at a time when we were all filled with uncertainty. Little did we know that this would bloom into a circle of inspiring women and deep conversations. We are creating a collective that extends beyond our initial reach and continues to expand our community.